To Record. To Testify. To Give Life.
Triple Aught
The Chronicles of the First Time
A brand new series about the first times
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A Defiled Sacrifice
Triple Aught
Love is blossoming. Cain and Tarishia are establishing their home, and Abel asks Aliv to become his companion. In the midst of the joy, the young men prepare to offer their first personal
sacrifices to Ad-Rham, the Friend of their father...
From then on, everything seems to go wrong. The deed is done.
Death and terror has struck the small family: Abel is dead; Cain
has fled. Aliv is heartbroken. Tarishia must forgive her husband
and sets out to find him. Adam and Eve face an empty home and
their own shattered hearts.
How can Adam’s house find strength to go on? Will the human
race survive?How will their guardians deal with the continuous
pressure and advances of the fallen? What will Ad-Rham, the
LORD God, do to help His hurting creation?
Follow the unfolding saga as the one family separates in to two
distinct clans, separated by space and facing increasing trouble
and threats to their very existence.
Browse more books published by Triple Aught.