To Record. To Testify. To Give Life.

The Aveloth was a smaller dragon. They were about ten feet long with a twelve foot wingspan. They did not take long flights. Their heads were small and round, with sharp teeth and a long neck. Aveloth's were very dexterous and were able to hold things and grab better than the other dragons. Their scales were smooth to touch, and their underbelly scales were larger than the ones on its back. The aveloth could shoot fire from it's mouth. The fire was more of a liquid flow. (Like a flamethrower). These were good dragons, offering service to men especially to Adam.

The Phinox, though large, was very beautiful. It had large black feathers that would release an oil that would then get set on fire engulfing the entire bird in flame. It had large talons, and a sharp beak. Its wingspan rnaged from six to ten feet including the long feathers on the tips.

The Tomba was a flightless bird with curled feathers. Usually found in rocky areas, it was an excellent climber. Friendly and endering to all it met. The bird had no fear, and no defense. It was trusting and adorable.

The Frilled stegosaurus
The stegosaurus was a unique creature that had a frill that was able to flash out and seemed to wrap around the neck and create almost a shield for the back of its neck. The frill felt almost like a thick leather, but on the surface, there small scales that covered it. At the tips of the folds there were small sharp spikes, these were not usually more than an inch long, but occasionally they were longer on the males. The frills could change color but also acted as a shield for the upper, and lower parts of the neck, which were the least protected, and most vulnerable parts of the stegosaurus. Then it had a mace-like tail, being bigger than the head of most people, and had spikes protruding from it. On its back there were large plates shaped almost like kites, running along its back. These varied in size depending upon the position of the plate. When they were on the back they were large, but running down to the tail and neck they grew much smaller.